In the case of fortifications, you may also be able to tell the exact owning lord by their banner flying over the location. The current owner will be displayed by the color of the locations' title. The Towns, Castles, Villages, and (in With Fire & Sword) Fortresses owned by each faction or nation will always be visible. You may also see the representation of any other party within your line of sight as governed by your Spotting skill. If you are a noble or vassal, your figure will also be carrying your banner. On the overland map, you can see your party represented as a small walking man if you do not have a horse, or a mounted man if you are riding a horse. In the first two games of the series, this is the land of Calradia, in With Fire & Sword, it is Eastern Europe. The overland map is the aerial view of the whole game territory.
The help window that pops up the first time you move on the overland map.