Pretty balanced spread, the Nightingale’s abilities don’t really favor any one of the attributes much more than the others. Since you'll be using most of your magicka at the beginning of battle, the hit to magicka regeneration isn't that big a deal. The Spell Absorption will be your primary defense against magic attacks, and the extra magicka is nice too. After that, I recommend going with either the Atronach. Stone: In the early going, I went with the Thief for some fast leveling, important since most of the Nightingale’s equipment is leveled.
I also recommend becoming a vampire for bonuses to Sneak and Illusion as well as a couple of useful powers. Another nice perk is that they move faster than any other race, which is important for backpedaling and avoiding blows. Their additional 50 magicka, +10 boost to Illusion, Highborn, and starting fury spell helped to shore up the Nightingale’s skill with Illusion spells, particularly during the earlygame. Race: Ultimately, I chose to play an Altmer for several reasons.
Secondly, I wanted to do a Nightingale build the armor is simply too cool to pass up.
I wanted to make a sneak archery build that avoids the boredom most people associate with it.
First, a lot of people really don't like sneak archery as its considered to be a rather one-dimensional and overpowered playstyle.